2008.7—2009.3韩国釜庆国立大学物理学院,research professor
2011.7—2014.6 湖北大学化学化工学院,讲师
2013.7—2015.3 韩国釜庆国立大学物理学院,research professor
目前的主要研究从事稀土发光研发和稀土发光学研究。2008年6 在中国科学院长春应用化学研究所稀土与资源利用国家重点实验室获得无机化学博士学位,毕业论文题目为“稀土离子电荷迁移带与基质晶体结构关系研究”,2008年7月赴韩国釜庆国立大学物理学院从事LED红光材料开发,2009年到日本北海道大学电子科学研究所继续从事发光材料方面的研究工作,2011年加入湖北大学无机化学组,从事稀土红光材料及结构关系的研究,作为课题负责人承担国家自然科学青年基金1项(项目题目为“用于白光LED的新型Eu2+/Tb3+/Sm3+或Eu2+/Sm3+共掺的红色荧光粉的制备、发光性质和晶体结构关系研究”),作为主要参与者参加国家自然科学基金3项,作为“楚天学子”获得楚天学者项目资助1项,并获得2012年吉林省科学技术一等奖1项(题目“无机功能材料的理论研究与性质预测”)。2015年,再次赴韩国釜庆国立大学物理学院从事稀土离子共掺杂发光与能量传递的合作研究项目,申请人已在国际期刊J.Phys. Chem. B,J.Phys. Chem. C,Dalton Transactions,Optical Materials Express,Journal of Alloys and Compound等上发表SCI论文50篇。多次在全国学术会议上作关于“Eu2+/Eu3+共掺杂无机材料”学术报告。
(1)Ling LI, and Siyuan Zhang, “Dependence of Charge transfer Energy on Crystal Structure and Composition in Eu3+-doped Compounds”The Journal of Physical Chemistry B2006, 110, 21438-21443
(2)Ling LI,Shihong Zhou, and Siyuan Zhang, “Investigation on Relationship between Charge Transfer Position and Dielectric Definition of Average Energy Gap in Eu3+-Doped Compounds”The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2007,111, 3205-3210
(3)Ling LI,Hyun Yang, Byung Kee Moon, Zuoling Fu, Chongfeng Guo, Jung Hyun Jeong, Soung Soo Yi, Kiwan Jang , and Ho Sueb Lee“Photoluminescence Properties of CeO2:Eu3+Nanoparticles Synthesized by a Sol-Gel Method”The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2009, 113, 610-617
(4)Ling Li, Hyeon Mi Noh, Byung Kee Moon, Jung Hyun Jeong*, Byung Chun Choi, and Xiaoguang Liu, “Tunable white-light emission in single-phase Ca9Gd(VO4)7:Tm3+, Eu3+”Optical Materials Express, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 16-28 (2014)
(5)LingLiand Xiao Guang Liu“Effects of change of the cation M2+on crystal structure and Optical Effects of divalent samarium-doped MAl2Si2O8(M=Ca, Sr, Ba)”,RSC Adv., 2015,5,19734-19742
(6)Wenjun Wang,Xiaoguang Liu*,Ling Li*et al.,“Bond energy, site preferential occupancy and Eu2+/3+co-doping system induced by Eu3+selfreduction in Ca10M(PO4)7(M=Li,Na,K)crystals”,Dalton Transactions,2018,47, 6507–651
(7)Ling Li,Xiaoguang Liu*,Ling Li*et al.,“Bond energy, preferential occupancy and spontaneous reduction ability of Eu3+doped in CaAl2Si2O8”,Journal of Alloys and Compounds2018,731, 496-503
(8)Yu Pan,Xiaoguang Liu*,Ling Li* et al.,“Eu3+→Eu2+unusual reduction and bond energy in MAlSi2O6:Eu (M = Li,Na, K, Rb, Cs)”,Ceramics International2018,44 8484–8491
(9)Yu Pan,Xiaoguang Liu*,Ling Li*et al.,“Eu2+/Eu3+reduction and Tb3+/Tb4+transformation inSrAl2Si2O8: Eu/Tb system”,Journal of Alloys and Compounds2018,769, 932-939
(10)Zefeng Xu,Xiaoguang Liu*,Ling Li*et al.,“Anomalous preparation, intense5D0→7F4emission and adjustable doublecenter emission of Eu3+and Eu2+codoped Ca2Al2SiO7”Ceramics International2019,4520405–20413
(11)Yuhan Zhu,Xiaoguang Liu*,Ling Li* et al.,“Anomalous5D0-7FJphotoluminescence properties and the random siteoccupancy of Eu3+in Sr5(BO3)3F”Ceramics International2019,4514360–14365
(12)Yuhan Zhu,Xiaoguang Liu*,Ling Li*et al.,“Synthesis and luminescence properties of novelEu2+/3+, Ce3+ion single- and co-doped BaZn2(PO4)2phosphors for white-light applicationsRSC advances,2019,9,24305–24313
(13)Zefeng Xu, Yuhan Zhu, Qi Luo, Xiaoguang Liu ,Ling Li*,“Luminescence, lattice occupancy and application of a new anti-counterfeiting for SrGa2Si2O8: Eu” Journal of Luminescence219(2020),116894
(14)Yuhan Zhu, Zefeng Xu, Qi Luo, Shikun Feng, Xiaoguang Liu∗,Ling Li*, “Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of Eu2+/Eu3+or Ce3+/Eu3+co-doped Sr5(BO3)3F compounds”Ceramics International46 (2020) 560–567
(15)Zefeng Xu , Yu Pan, Wenjun Wang, Yuhan Zhu, Qi Luo, Wenying Zhang, Shishen Feng, Xiaoguang Liu ,Ling Li*“A new color-adjustable self-emitting in SrGa2Ge2O8substituted by Eu3+, energy transfer and the determination of luminescence center”Journal of Luminescence223 (2020) 117194
(16)Pu Fan, Zefeng Xu, Qi Luo, Zongjie He, Yuhui Chen, Qiqi Miao, Cong Huang, Xiaoguang Liu,Ling Li⁎“A near UV-excited abnormal broad yellow emission phosphor Ba2CaB2Si4O14:Eu2+for white-light LEDs”,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 885 (2021) 160958
(17)Pu Fan, Zefeng Xu, Qi Luo, Zongjie He, Yuhui Chen, Qiqi Miao, Cong Huang, Xiaoguang Liu,Ling Li⁎Theoretical Calculation of bond energy, self-reduction phenomenon, and photoluminescence properties of Eu/Ce single-doped and codeped Ba2CaSi4O14 phosphors J.Phys.Chem.C2021,125,17820−17830