Current Microwave Chemistry国际编委
主要从事配位分子簇的晶态-固态-溶液态结构信息相关性、时间依赖的组装过程与机理及配位催化串联有机2 反应机理研究;并基于组装机理指导磁/孔配位簇(聚)合物的定向构筑、结构转换、功能调控与物化性能效应关系研究。主持和共同承担了包括国家自然科学基金重大研究计划集成、重点、面上项目和省部级自然科学基金创新团队等各级课题12项。已在JACS;Angew. Chem.Int. Ed.;Chem. Sci.;Chem. Mater.;Chem. Eur. J.以及Coord. Chem. Rev.等国际知名期刊发表学术论文100余篇;其中8篇入选ESI高引频论文,2篇入选ESI高前沿核心文献,SCI正面他引超过3800多次,H因子37。并受邀为德国Wiley-VCH出版集团《Molecular Magnetic Materials》一书撰写撰写《Microporous Magnet》一章;荷兰Elsevier出版集团《Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry II》撰写《Network solids: mixed ligand molecular building blocks》一章。以第一完成人获得省部级自然学科一等奖2次。
[1]M. Zhang, T. Yang, Z. Wang, X.-F. Ma, Y. Zhang, S. M. Greer, S. A. Stoian, Z.-W. Ouyang, H. Nojiri, M. Kurmoo,*M.-H. Zeng*.Chemical Reaction within a Compact Non-Porous Crystal Containing Molecular Clusters without Lost of Crystallinity.Chem. Sci.,2017,8, 5356.
[2]M.-H. Zeng*, Z. Yin, Z.-H. Liu, H.-B. Xu, Y.-C. Feng, Y.-Q. Hu, L.-X. Chang, Y. Zhang, J. Huang, M. Kurmoo.Assembly of a Highly Stable Luminescent Zn5Cluster and Application to Bio-Imaging.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2016,55, 11407.
[3]M.-H. Zeng*, Z. Yin, Y. Tan, W. Zhang, Y. He, M. Kurmoo.Nanoporous Cobalt(II) MOF Exhibiting Four Magnetic Ground States and Changes in Gas Sorption upon Post-Synthetic Modification.J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2014,136, 4680. (2005-2015 ESI Highly Cited Paper, 138Citations)
[4]Y. Hu,M.-H. Zeng*, K. Zhang, S. Hu, F. Zhou, M. Kurmoo*.Tracking the Formation of a Polynuclear Co16Complex and its Elimination and Substitution Reactions by Mass Spectroscopy and Crystallography.J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2013,135, 7901. (59Citations)
[5]F. Sun, Z. Yin, Q. Wang, D. Sun,M.-H. Zeng*,M. Kurmoo*.A New Metal Organic Framework and its Tandem Post Synthetic Modifications by Thermal Elimination and Subsequent Bromination: Effects on Absorption Properties and Photoluminescence.Angew. Chem., Int. Ed.,2013,52, 4538. (Highlighted in Frontispiece,63 Citations)
[6]Z. Yin, Q. Wang,M.-H. Zeng*.Iodine Release and Recovery, Influence of Polyiodide Anions on Electrical Conductivity and Nonlinear Optical Activity in an Interdigitated and Interpenetrated Bipillared Bilayer Metal-Organic Framework.J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2012,134, 4857.(2005-2015 ESI Highly Cited Paper,Research Front, 211 Citations)
[7]M.-H. Zeng*, Q.-X. Wang, Y.-X. Tan, S. Hu, H.-X. Zhao, L.-S. Long, and M. Kurmoo.Rigid Pillars and Double Walls in a Porous Metal-Organic Framework: Single-Crystal to Single-Crystal, Controlled Uptake and Release of Iodine and Electrical Conductivity. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2010,132, 2561. (2005-2015ESIHighly Cited Paper,ESI Research Front, 341 Citations)
[8]M.-H. Zeng*, M. Yao, H. Liang*, W. Zhang, X.-M. Chen.A single-molecule-magnetic, cubane-based, triangular CO12 supercluster.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2007,46, 1832. (2005-2015 ESI Highly Cited Paper, 194Citations)
[9]M.-H. Zeng, W. Zhang, X. Sun, X.-M. Chen*.Spin canting and metamagnetism in a 3D homometallic molecular material constructed by interpenetration of two kinds of cobalt(II)-coordination-polymer sheets.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2005,44, 3079. (223Citations)